Contemporary Classics:
Composers’ Festival
Armenian State Symphony Orchestra
Celebrated contemporary composers Krzysztof Penderecki, Alexey Shor, Georgs Pelecis and Sir Karl Jenkins came together in Yerevan, Armenia at the 2019 festival titled Contemporary Classics: Composers' Festival. Organized by the Armenian State Symphonic Orchestra and conductor Sergey Smbatyan, the festival dedicated an evening to each maestro. What is more, the festival unified the talents of world-famous musicians featuring several concerts dedicated to acclaimed contemporary composers Alexander Tchaykovski, Gia Kancheli and Tigran Mansuryan.
We were delighted to not only produce videos of the three live concerts dedicated to Alexander Tchaykovski, Gia Kancheli and Tigran Mansuryan, but were also commissioned to create a video documentary depicting the significance of the festival as a meeting place where in-depth conversations unfolded in the language of contemporary music.
The documentary is aired on Medici TV.